It Chapter Two 2019 Online Hd-720p no registration
Audience score=173230 Votes
Writed by=Stephen King
genres=Drama, Fantasy
info=After the survivors" irrevocable blood oath in It (2017)--and nearly three incident-free decades after the blood-soaked encounter with the demonic shape-shifter, Pennywise the Dancing Clown--the estranged members of the Losers" Club find themselves before a dreadful obligation: to return to Derry and honour their promise. Once again, the brutal murder of an innocent awakens the grisly memories of the past, reuniting the old band of companions, as the nightmarish monster has come back from the shadows of oblivion to terrorise the small town, intent on revenge and slaughter. Now, whether they like it or not, the now-successful Losers must probe deep into the fundamental fears of their troubled childhood, and summon up the courage to bring the terrible creature"s reign of terror to a close. One last battle awaits Derry"s remaining fighters of the supernatural. Will this final confrontation mark the end of the Losers Club, or will it be the end of the dreadful thing they call IT?
tomatometer=7 / 10

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Is that not georige. 0:55 which is what i do at school try to look i have no eyballs and his tongue is so funny. That thumbnail almost gave me a heart attack. BURN IT! SET IT ON FIRE. Gotta hand it to pennywise, he"s a real showman with what he does. Taunting, snarling, his eyes and smile, line deliverance, twister-ing. It"s awesome. Of all the horrors movies I"ve watched, this has the most spectacular ending ever. Like... a hundred percent legit?????? I recommend you to watch it.
Richie looks up, “oh there he is”. 7:45 “so maybe its like being pennywise passes down through the family or something” BOI. It"s so sad when Eddie says Richie while bleeding ????????????????. 1 like=Richie"s sad about Eddie. If you mash and stay at this part it looks like the old lady was no there 0:00. Bill Hader was a perfect choice for Richie, I just wanna say. When mrs. Kersh says “no one who dies here never really dies” hinting towards the fact that they thought they killed pennywise, but they didnt actually kill him????.
The Naked Grandma is scarier than Pennywise imo. Its scary cause its a fookin naked Grandma.
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2:08 This soundtrack was amazing
2:18 The origin of that, where does he come from or does he own this man.
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The undertaking to make this film is nearly impossible. The book is 1138 pages and trying to narrow that down is such an incredibly difficult task. Andy and Barbara Muschietti did what they had to do to fit hundreds of pages down to the three hour cut that we saw.
Of course no movie is completely perfect, however the roots of the story were presented in a way that did the main cast a proper amount of justice along with the clown.
There were a few missteps in the film, but one needs to sit back and realize the magnitude of closing the door on one of the most intricate stories ever written. Filmmaking is not easy task. All of my respect goes to the filmmakers. Sit back. Relax. Enjoy the film that the Muschiettis have made for you.
Do yourself a favour, read the book. Wait, if the old lady is Pennywise"s daughter. THEN WHO IS THE MOM. Eddies death hit so hard. i watched 5 hours ago, i havent stopped crying since. I only here voices from the know. Georgie in heaven says to Billy: Why did I die so young? Bill: Well, you trusted a Freaky clown to give you your boat, when YOU COULD HAVE JUST CAME HOME, AND I WOULD HAVE MADE A SECOND ONE. Pennywise: He has a point. First, I don"t care about the book, because a movie can change whatever it wants, even more details. Just like Bill"s book on the movie, this end sucks. Again the monster is defeated by the power of bullying. A lot of sub plots unfinished. What happen to Ben and Beverly for example. AND EVEN WORST I can"t stop thinking about the poor line between what"s real and what doesn"t. When they"re eating, after seeing the fx of Pennywise, Mike is hitting the tablet with a chair, and we see it"s all an illusion, right? Then, later, Eddy is attack, the monster actually spit on him or whatever. So, my point is HOW THEY/WE CAN KNOW WHEN RUN AND WHEN JUST CLOSE OUR EYES AND SAY "IT"S NOT REAL. HELP.
I like how when Richie saw the deadlights his health goes down slowly and that scene is the best scene in the movie????. When pennywise is using the deadlights I thought somebody was throwing the deadlights to pennywise ??????????????????. I have no problem with clowns. It"s little old ladies running around naked that scare the hell out of me. This movie didnt really have scary deaths. Mostly just brutal. The scariest/disturbing part is just the old lady staring at beverly. When I watched the lumberjack scene, my shoe went flying.